Artificial intelligence in Voice – BOT telecommunication.

  • Our MOLL-BOT solution may successfully replace an entire call center, customer service department, and handle many calls at a time.
  • MOLL-BOT – a cloud-based voice-interface program for user communication as well as speech recognition technology.
  • MOLL-BOT includes AI for data analysis.
  • The efficiency of MOLL-BOT is 98,7%.

Sztuczna inteligencja - BOT

Technologia rozpoznawania mowy

Speech recognition technology

With our solution, the speech recognition reaches 98,7%. It’s because we integrate various systems in the cloud/google/amazon/techmo etc. with our original solution that operates locally on our servers.


  • Highly effective
  • Fast
  • Multilingual

An intelligent IVR to route calls

An innovative solution that optimizes the routing system of inbound calls with no need for a ‘standard IVR tree’. The solution is caller-friendly and less irritating because there are no long messages and notices the caller has to hear or buttons to press to talk to a relevant agent.


  • fast
  • internal application
  • original technology

Inteligentny IVR w obsłudze ruchu

Algorytmy AI oraz przetwarzaniaawania mowy

AI and processing algorithms

The data collected during a call is constantly analysed in real time so that our technology makes the decisions and checks for possible options as the call progresses.


  • real-time data analysis
  • decision-making, intent recognition + operation in the background, AI processes’ estimations

MOLL-BOT artificial intelligence

MOLL-BOT is also using the intelligent IVR technology to route the calls to relevant departments for the highest efficiency and caller satisfaction.

The solution can be integrated with the solutions used by the company or function independently.


Our scalable system supports any type of inbound and outbound calls with no limitations, even up to several thousand calls at a time (depending on the technological capabilities of the operator) in different languages (e.g. Polish, English, German, Russian).



  • Outbound:

    calls for information, verification, enquiry, alert, notification – any type of outbound calls at a speed of even 3000 calls per second (an unlimited number of channels)

  • Inbound (IVR):

    receiving and handling 100% of calls whether a consultant is present or not; asking questions, recognising the caller’s intent, going through long and complex IVR trees without the need to refer the individual to the call center

  • Reporting:

    full real-time or post-call reporting, any form of data transmission, storage and encryption – the overview of performance results in real time

  • Speech to Text:

    automated speech to text processing, improved keywords capturing, creating enquiries based on customers’ responses, automated recognition of keywords

Our system has the unique self-learning capability, improving the calls’ flow and analysing the call effectiveness with various types of performance reporting.



  • A significant cost optimization compared to traditional solutions
  • BOTs help you increase your competitive advantage.
  • BOTs provide assistance to the highest standards and always follow the guidelines. They’re available 24/7 to assist your customers.
  • They handle an unlimited number of calls simultaneously but they don’t go on holiday, get ill, sleep and take no coffee or other breaks.